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The SAM2013 Phases of the Light crystals are normally recommended through the result of a SAM2013 Synthesis Color Consultation. The crystal part of the recommendation will take into account the level, phase and quality for each person.

The crystal recommendations are based on almost 50 years of our combined stone and crystal work. Each SAM2013 Phases of the Light Crystal is individually cut for you personally. Each SAM2013 Phases of the Light Crystal is very sensitively cut taking into account the size of the original crystal and its growth orientation along with its characteristic form. The crystals take from 1-3 months or longer to be cut.

There are up to nine different SAM2013 Phases of the Light Crystals—Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV, Phase V, Phase VI, Phase VII, Phase VIII, Phase IX and one to four crystals to protect or synthesize the four to nine Phase Crystals.

Each crystal comes in seven classifications—Occult, Esoteric, Exoteric, Full, Medium, Mini, and Small. The Occult, Esoteric, and Exoteric Crystals are used for Trans(Soul)-Group work (Monadic Manifestation work beyond the Soul); the Full Crystals are used for (Soul) Group work; the Medium Crystals are balanced between (Soul) Group and Personal work (a set of these crystals is used in the SAM2013 Phases of the Light Crystal Training Courses); Mini Crystals are used for Trans-personal work; and Small Crystals are used for Personal work.

Finally each crystal comes with a quality principally governed by the number of facets on the crystal ranging from three to over thirty.

Phase I Crystals:
Phase I Crystals are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the aspects and attributes of the individual or group "Spirit-ward."

Phase II Crystals:
Phase II Crystals are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the individual or group toward the Tolerant Light.

Phase III Crystals:
Phase III Crystals are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the individual or group toward the Disciplined Light.

Phase IV Crystals:
Phase IV Crystals are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between the lower and higher aspects and attributes of the individual or group.

Phase V Crystals: In the Nine and 13 Crystal Progressions are similar to Phase II Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the soul group toward the Tolerant Light.

Phase VI Crystals: In the Nine and 13 Crystal Progressions are similar to Phase III Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the individual or group toward the Higher Disciplined Light.

Phase VII Crystals: In the Nine Crystal Progression are similar to Phase I Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the aspects and attributes of the soul group "Spirit-ward". In the 13 Crystal Progression they are similar to the Phase II Crystals in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the soul group toward the Highest Tolerant Light.

Phase VIII Crystals: In the 13 Crystal Progression are similar to Phase III Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the relationship between aspects and attributes of the soul group toward the Highest Disciplined Light.

Phase IX Crystals: In the 13 Crystal Progression are similar to Phase I Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in cohering and focusing the aspects and attributes of the soul group "Spirit-ward."

Phase X-XII Crystals: In the 13 Crystal Progression are similar to the Protection Crystals and are cut to orient and assist in protecting the aspects and attributes of the soul group and can also be considered "Protective or Permanent" in their nature.

Phase XIII Protection and Synthesis Crystals: The Protection and Synthesis Crystals are cut to orient and assist in protectively or permanently using and synthesizing, coherent and focused, lower, middle and higher aspects and attributes of the individual or group. In the 13 Crystal Progression are similar to Phase IV Crystals and are cut or shaped (as spheres, eggs, yin-yang, etc.) to orient and assist in synthesizing the aspects and attributes of the soul group as Spiritual Beingness and are geared towards scrying or seeing things spiritually.

SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystal Configurations and Methods:

Brief Background:
We began our relationships with other people who were interested and experienced with crystals as early as 1980. At that time and with those people most emphasis was placed on the ‘Feeling Effect’ of the crystal by holding it or having it close by and the ‘Rainbow Effects’ that the crystals had when light shined through them. When we joined into this, before long we were also taken by the unexplainable sensations ‘Felt’ from the crystals and the ‘Wonderment’ of the rainbow colors that they could produce. We would even place crystals in specific places, such as, windowsills so that when the sun was right the rainbows would form on an opposite wall. Then walk in the path of the rainbow, line it up with our eyes and look directly into the rainbow of colors while moving our eyes through them. Even though it is unexplainable the colors were magical when viewed this way.

By 1983 after several years of having crystal points Surya saw a large crystal ball for the first time at a person’s house who also sold crystals. He can still remember his first image of it. It was sitting on a lighted wooden stand with light shining into it and it immediately attracted him. Let’s just say he didn’t leave without it.

In 1984 Surya received subconsciously but potently that seven year cycle's New Group of World Server's (NGWS) impulse.

By 1985 Surya had read the book, The Star Seed Transmissions and began carrying a crystal given to him in a magical way on a magical crystal journey. Parts of the journey included:

  • Meetings with other people on crystal journeys and visits to magical places in the USA, Europe, and India.

  • At one time carrying as many as 888 Star Seed crystals. The channeling of crystal messages soon followed.

  • Meeting and training with Marcel Vogel in 1986 and training and working with Rumi Da since 1990.

  • Then founding, in 1986, in Scotland, of a crystal healing center based on the channeled word Tu-Wa-Na-He-Le. The center was energized by a collection of crystals and stones gathered throughout the United States and Europe in masculine six pointed star configurations. A trans channeled message was received on ‘men as a group consciousness’ after setting the stones and crystals.

  • Development, from 1987 to present, of SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystal configurations, methods, training and techniques as a progressive and hierarchical set of Crystals.

  • In 1991 received consciously that seven year cycle's New Group of World Server's (NGWS) impulse just after receiving first Vogel-Cut crystal that was seen in vision five years previously.

  • In 1995 completed the first set of 5 Phases-of-the-Light Crystals. This original set was used to help direct the formation of a cultural community in Portugal and a healing center in Italy.

  • Direction and assistance in the building of a feminine five pointed star crystal and stone configuration in Italy in 1997.

  • In 1998 received consciously that seven-year cycle's New Group of World Server's (NGWS) impulse relating to first Nirvana II Trans-group level crystal set and the completion of the Phase I crystal of that set.

  • In 1999 completed the Phase II and Phase III crystals of the Nirvana II Trans-group crystal set for the millenium shift.

  • 2000 to 2005 completed the Nirvana II Trans-group crystal set.

  • In 2005 received consciously that seven-year cycle's New Group of World Server's (NGWS) impulse relating to two additional Nirvana II Trans-group level crystal sets, for two more exoteric groups, and began work on those crystals.

  • In 2012 received consciously that seven-year cycle's New Group of World Server's (NGWS) impulse relating to the Nirvana II Trans-group Esoteric level or Nirvana III level crystal set.

  • In 2012 dream showed movement to Europe of the first central pillar crystal opening a geopolitical aspect of the crystal, color and group work.

  • In 2019 work was started and completed on the first central pillar crystal in preparation for the 2019 seven-year cycle's New Group of World Servers (NGWS) 'impact'. The new crystal is aligned with the Geopolitical consciousness will of the people of Russia and has been named Shiny Altruistic Magnificance. (After that followed the second central pillar crystal aligned with the Geopolitical consciousness will of the people of the UK and finally the third central pillar crystal aligned with the Geopolitical consciousness will of the people of the USA.)

  • In 2020 work grew as a result of the 2019 impact and in preparation for the 2025 'impulse' year. The second and third central pillar crystals were tuned into to be in alignment with the Geopolitical consciousness will of the people of the U.K. and of the U.S.A. respectively in order to help bridge these three aspects of new Aquarian conscious will into a planetary synthetic whole of group awareness.

  • In 2021 a partly rearranged Occult level or Nirvana IV level crystal set has been found and facetted.

  • In 2022 a partly rearranged Esoteric level or Nirvana III level crystal set has been found and facetted.

  • In 2023 a set of three 'Circumcentral' crystals has been found as the current culmination of this crystal set for the coming 2025 impulse year.

  • We conduct crystal sessions, recommendations and trainings as an integration and synthesis of the work that we do with color and groups.

SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystal Progressive Configurations and Methods:

Basically immediately upon beginning relationship with the Vogel-Cut crystals, first in dreams, Surya started to realize a progressive nature to the crystal configurations. It seemed immediately apparent to him that the clear Meditation crystal configuration, somehow ‘lead’ to the clear Healing crystal configuration as a part of a progressive ‘set’ of crystals. It was also apparent that the Medallion was in the set.

Soon after it was certain that a smoky quartz Healing Crystal would come progressively next after the clear quartz Healing crystal. At the same time these two crystals formed a ‘pair’ of crystals within themselves and a triangular relationship with the Meditation crystal.

The only thing remaining was something to fit in the center of the triangle of Meditation crystal, clear Healing crystal and smoky Healing crystal. It came to him to be a ‘Paradise’ crystal that was pointed at both ends without the center section as in the Healing crystals. He contacted Rumi Da about the possibility of producing such a crystal and to his delight Rumi told him that someone else had a dream about such a crystal and that Rumi would make it for him also. Rumi Da called these Phase IV crystals ‘Time Travelers’.

The progressions of five, nine and 13 Vogel-cut crystals, that are named SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light crystals, are shown below:

SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystal Progressive and Hierarchical Configurations and Methods:

Soon after beginning to work with this special progressive set of crystals a hierarchical nature started revealing itself to Surya. It expanded to five progressive subsets of five crystals forming a complete hierarchical set of twenty-five crystals from 1986 to 2005. Then to Surya's surprise in Mount Shasta, California on the Winter Solstice in 2005 during the festival week of the NGWS while reviewing the set of 25 crystals he saw how it was to expand to 40 crystals by having three sets of Nirvana II Trans-group crystal sets. Then in 2009 in a dream and while working with Lawrence Stoller Surya saw how the set was to expand once again to 44 crystals by extending to a sixth level of Mega or Nirvana III level crystals. Then in 2013 in vision and sensory contact with a Shining One crystal Surya understood how the fourth phase, Nirvana III Esoteric crystals and lower level integration crystals extend the set to 56 crystals including higher and lower protection crystals. In 2019 understanding came, following a dream from 2012 and another Shining One crystal contact in 2019 to complete the first central pillar crystal in time for the 2019 Impact Group Festival Week. And finally, for now, the impressions and intuitions from the 2019 Impact Group Festival Week have been integrated and updated into the set bringing the number of crystals to 70 for the 2025 Group Impulse Year.

The Hierarchical set now works on ten levels (from lowest to highest):
  • The Personal, Path-to-Paradise level.
  • The Trans-Personal, Path-to-Paradise II level.
  • The ‘Balanced’, Phases-of-the Light level.
  • The ‘Integrated or Mergration’, Phases-of-the Light level.
  • The Group (Soul), Way-of-Nirvana I level.
  • The Trans(Soul)-Group, Way-of-Nirvana II or Exoteric level.
  • The Trans(Soul)-Group, Way-of-Nirvana III or Esoteric level.
  • The Trans(Soul)-Group, Way-of-Nirvana IV or Occult level.
  • The Central Pillar Supreme White Light Of Christ Grounding Crystals.
  • The Circum-Central Golden Presence of God Crystals.
As the levels are gone up the size and number of facets of the crystals normally increase. For example, in the Personal level Phase I crystal the size would be extra small with, say 5 sides and in the Trans-Group Esoteric Nirvana II level Phase I crystal would be over full size with say 21 sides.

The progression and hierarchy of 25 Vogel-cut crystals, that are named SAM2013 Path-to-Paradise, SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light and SAM2013 Way-of-Nirvana crystals, is shown below:

We now have a full progressive and hierarchical set of 56 crystals that has evolved during the past over 45 years of combined work of being in contact with these very special crystals. The two connected six pointed star graphic for the 54 crystals, just prior to the expansion to 56 crystals and the new triangular form for viewing the crystal set in 2019, is shown below. The current set of 56 and 67 cryatals (in the two triangular graphics below the two connected six pointed stars graphic) now includes a 'Central Pillar' crystal and shows the set in the form of a triangle rather than as two connected six pointed stars. Finally, for now, the second Triangle graphic has been 'rearranged' and updated into a new Triangle Circumscribed in a Circle graphic. All of the four graphics of the full Crystal Set of the Two Six Pointed Stars, the two Triangle graphics, (one triangle for the 2019 Impact week of 56 crystals and one triangle from after the Impact week of 67 crystals), and the Circumscribed Triangle in a Circle also include some of the color connections, energy relationships and hierarchical dynamics of the nine levels of the crystal sub-sets. They also show some of the colors and color relationships between crystals, which represent qualities for the group relationships between people, further discussed in the SAM2013 Color, Crystals and Groups Article:

For a 10Mb high resolution image of the above graphic click Here.

There are, of course, more intricacies to the SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light configuration and methods dealing with other natures of the progression and hierarchy and the qualities of the crystals based on the number of facets and the facet relationships which are covered more specifically in trainings for the people who want to have these crystals.

Purchasing a SAM 2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystal

The SAM2013 Phases of the Light crystals are not available for direct ordering through this website. If interested in a SAM2013 Phases of the Light Crystal please contact us directly.

SAM2013 is also offering a Phases-of-the-Light Crystal Training. This is a non-certified 2-day training in how to consciously use crystals. This is for everyone interested in crystals, or inter-personal or group work with crystals. A personal crystal recommendation is included in the training. Please check our Course Calendar for the next available Training.



©1998-Present SAM2013  Design: Cattail Consulting & Design